What can Acupuncture do for you?
Carpal Tunnel,
Fibromyalgia, Sciatica
Low Mood,
Menstrual Problems,
Allergic Rhinitis,
Colds & Flu,

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" - Lao Tzu
You are unique
I believe that everyone is unique. We all have individual needs and unique ways of living that work best for us.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is firmly rooted in this ethos and supports the notion that no single universal treatment or lifestyle works for everyone. The key is to find what is right for you.
Good health is possible
My principle is good health is always possible, it's simply about prioritising it. This is why mindset is so important.
I will guide you to uncover and re-frame beliefs that are blocking you from reaching your desired health goals.
Your body holds the answers
Your body has the ability to heal itself. This is what it is designed to do. My role is to listen and interpret what your body is saying. This will inform my treatment prescription which will be tailored just for you.
Embrace the journey
The quest for health is rarely a quick fix.
However, the true value lies in the experience of the whole journey, not just the destination.
I will support you along your unique path to health, helping you realise a change that is long-term and sustainable.
It's not all about the needles
Whilst we agree that acupuncture needles are pretty amazing, they are merely the conduit for energetic change.
My approach utilises bodywork techniques alongside individualised diet and lifestyle advice.
I believe that this holistic offering is key to creating long-term change to your health and well-being.

Ready for better health?
I am a passionate and intuitive practitioner, having qualified from the renowned & highly regarded Northern College of Acupuncture with a 1st-class BSc (hons) degree. I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).
My training has been extensive and has included comprehensive biomedical studies in anatomy and physiology. I incorporate many Chinese medicine treatment modalities such as bodywork, Guasha, Cupping, neuromuscular techniques and Moxibustion. This wide knowledge base empowers me to create treatment plans that are effective and personal to you.
Are you experiencing a long term health condition?
Call for a chat to discuss whether acupuncture could help you on:

Meet Sue
I am a passionate and intuitive practitioner, having qualified from the renowned & highly regarded Northern College of Acupuncture with a 1st-class BSc (hons) degree. I am fully licensed and a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).
I have extensive and comprehensive biomedical knowledge in anatomy and physiology. I incorporate many Chinese medicine treatment modalities such as bodywork, Guasha, Cupping, Tuina, neuromuscular techniques and Moxibustion. This wide knowledge base empowers me to create treatment plans that are effective and personal to you.

My Journey
My introduction to Chinese medicine happened in my early 20's. I suffered with allergic eczema from a young age and having exhausted all western medical solutions, I turned to Chinese herbs in desperation. It worked, I was sold! I later went on to suffer with a chronic back injury whilst working as a professional dancer. When my physiotherapist suggested acupuncture I jumped at the chance. Once more, it didn't disappoint, I was out of pain. I have since used acupuncture for help with a variety of conditions: Hay fever, migraines and chronic allergic rhinitis. This amazing medicine has never let me down.
My Thoughts
I believe we are dynamic beings and as such we are always striving to achieve balance. This has always been at the heart of Chinese medicine philosophy: This medicine nourishes and balances the physical and mental aspects of health. It offers a unique duality - being gentle yet incredibly powerful in effect - this is often difficult to comprehend from a western medical perspective. This, wonderful, versatile medicine has improved my life many times in many ways and since becoming a practitioner I haven't looked back. I was destined to become part of the Chinese medicine community and now I'm here, ready to work with you.

What to Expect
Your Appointment
Your Treatment
Your Prognosis
The number of treatments needed and over what period of time, varies dramatically between patients. After your initial intake appointment I will be able to give you my estimate. This will be repeatedly reassessed throughout your course of treatment. The effects of acupuncture are cumulative and a course of acupuncture is always recommended. If you are coming for a chronic condition, the likelihood is you will need to commit to weekly treatments for a period of time to achieve long-term, sustainable effects.
On your first appointment we will discuss and agree a treatment plan that will work for you to provide the best outcome.

Appointments will take
between 40 to 50 minutes.
Your initial consultation will be in-depth;
discussing your main health complaint alongside a range of questions surrounding many different aspects of your current and historical health.
Your consultation will be followed by a treatment using several acupuncture points that are specific to your diagnosis.
As your symptoms change and improve, your points prescription may change too.
During the session, you'll usually be
asked to lie either face-down or on your back. You may also be asked to remove some clothes so I can access certain parts of your body. It is advisable to wear loose fitting clothes that can be rolled up to the elbow and knees. Please make sure you have eaten something prior to your visit.
Acupuncture needles are very fine, some as thin as 0.15mm. When these single use, sterile needles are inserted many people don’t feel anything. If you do feel a sensation from the needles it is often a slight ache or deep tingling. I believe acupuncture should not be a painful experience, so once the needles are in, you should be able to relax for approximately 20 minutes without any feeling of discomfort.

Private Insurance
Balance Acupuncture accepts private health care claims from a number of private health insurers. Some private health care providers are happy for you to self refer, whilst some may require a letter of referral from your GP or an independent consultant.
Receipts are issued post treatment at the time of payment along with our unique BAcC's registration number.
Please call 07747065296
or email us: